Saturday, February 13, 2010

Project accomplishments

This projects uses absorb, do and connect activities.
By reading the book and the directions they experience the story and its meanings, thereby accomplishing an absorb activity.
By preparing a book talk and presentation they have a do activity.
They connect with each other and the book by describing and theorizing about the characters and the themes and meanings.


Practice your delivery. Remember everyone gets nervous. Have fun with this!

Rough Draft and Preparation

Prepare a draft of your book talk and prepare your chosen piece of technology. Determine whether it works together = ) If you need to make a change now is the time.

Practice your book talk. Use your family or friends. Time yourself and tape yourself. See if you think you are interesting. Watch your movements, your vocabulary and your voice. Show enthusiam for your reading. Your goal is to generate interest in the book for your viewers.


Do you have any questions about the story? Is there anything you don't understand? Please feel free to discuss this during one of our upcoming classes.

Keep notes while you are reading of any items or subjects you do not understand and we can review these.

Background Information

Is the book interesting to you? Do you understand the main theme and characters? What are they trying to accomplish? Why do they do what they do? How does it work out for them?

Think about these and other questions regarding the background of the book. What is the author trying to say? Is his message easy to understand? What is your perception of the story?

Instructions Week Four

Extra ideas for fun and points!! (Including finishing the book this week!)

For your presentation, dress as one of the main characters!

Create a sculpture of a main character - for example, is there a dragon in your story? (As in Dragon Slippers?)

Dramatize a scene from the book if more than one student in your group are reading the same story - this will count for both of you!

Do a puppet show for one scene from the book.

Have fun and be creative!

Instructions Week Three

Choose form of technology to include in your presentation and delivery.

You are able to create PDF document that other students can open and follow along while you are presenting.
PowerPoint presentation, using pictures and graphics.
Audio using your voice and others as characters in the book.

Instructions Week Two

Inform instructor how far along you are in book - should be reading 30 minutes per night and during class.

Discuss briefly with instructor what your thoughts are on the book, the theme and authors direction. This is needed to demonstrate understanding and comprehension.

Instructions Week One

Instructions Week One
Students will go to Media Center to choose and receive approval on book for project. Begin reading immediately. Expected reading times 30 minutes per evening at home, and 20 minutes per day during class time.

MIddle School Book Talks

Post Number One
Needs Assessment:
Using Technology in a Book Talk
Needs assessment:
• What do you know?
o We know that our students are required to read two approved books each semester
• What do you want to know?
o We want to know if the 7th grade students know how to create a credible book talk using some form of technology
• What are you trying to measure, determine, or define?
o We are trying to determine whether they have a clear understanding of the book, including the theme, background, characters. Also if they understand how to prepare a presentation using PowerPoint, PDF or Audiotaping
• How will you collect and record information.
o Students will hand in a hard copy of the prepared book report, and will present the booktalk using some form of technology
• How will you report the information you collect?
o Students will be graded on content, knowledge, preparation and delivery
• Are all interested groups included in planning and conducting the needs assessment?
o Each student will be required to prepare their own book talk. Teachers, librarians and student aides will be available to assist in planning, preparation and review of the final projects.